Working Together with the Whole Family

Unidos para la Familia believes strongly in the importance of working together with the whole family. While individuals may participate in our services through the various classes, we encourage them as a family unit to participate in the events we plan and in the family advocacy provided.

Throughout the year, Unidos typically has at least one family event per month. Some of the events are designed to be family fun events such as a movie night or Back to School party, other events are designed to encourage our families to volunteer and give back to the community. We believe strongly that our families should be actively making their community stronger. Because of the generosity of the Pascale Sykes Foundation, the classes and family advocacy that they participate in are at no cost to them, as a result, we work hard to encourage them to bless others as they have been blessed. Some of the community strengthening events our families have been involved in were making enchiladas for homeless individuals and helping to install a new playground in a local community park.

Visit the Unidos para la Familia website here.

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Revive SJ  •  Working Together with the Whole Family

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